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Unexplained fenomenon, Supernatural Documentaries

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Area 51 The Alien Interview
"A documentary about aliens and UFOs with re-enactments of alien interviews and video of a supposedly real video of an alien being interviewed by government officials."

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The Bermuda Triangle
"The documentary brings about logical explanations and explore still unsolvable mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle."

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British UFO Files
"Since the 1940's the British Government has been investigating the Flying Saucer phenomenon. High ranking military and government personnel, speak out for the first time, offering unique eye witness accounts and inside information."

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Da Vinci Code Decoded
"The definitive documentary exploration of Dan Brown's thrilling novel The Da Vinci Code, answers the questions everyone is asking! What exactly was Leonardo da Vinci trying to tell us in his coded paintings? Was Jesus married to Mary Magdalene? Who were the Knights Templar? What is the secret of the mysterious church at Rennes-le-Château? What is the Priory of Sion? What secret did the real life Saunière know that threatened the Church? What are the Gnostic Gospels? Did Roman emperors rewrite the New Testament to control the population?"

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Mysterious Origins of Man
"This unique documentary questions commonly-held beliefs about man's evolution. In the video, a group of modern-day scientists presents new evidence about the origins of man they say most members of the academic community have ignored. Among their findings: human artifacts and bones discovered in rock strata millions of years older than the theory of evolution can account for."

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The Roswell Incident
"Full documentary broadcast on the Roswell story. I apologize for the 'dubbs disease' it's hard to get the audio track converted and in synch with the film."

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The Real 4400
"Interviews with people who claim to have been abducted by aliens, revealing the social, emotional, psychological and medical problems they have encountered since returning to Earth"

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The Real Da Vinci Code
"Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code has been a phenomenal success with millions of readers hooked, but what do historians think of the book? Discover the facts about the Holy Grail and cut through the thicket of mystery that surrounds the subject."

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The Worlds Scariest Ghosts: Caught On Tape
"World's Scariest Ghost: Caught on Tape features an eerie, shocking and compelling collection of moving images of what are purported to be ghost, poltergeists and apparitions."

Hosted on Google video
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UFOs - The Secret Government
The truth about UFOs and Extraterrestrial Technologies and Life Forms
UFO Video about flying saucers -Billy Meyer
Sons of God - Jordan Max
The New Age - A Pathway to Paradise ? (1983)
UFOs: The Hidden Truth
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon
The Pleiadian Connection -Billy Meyer
Acharya S - Sons of God
Science Report: Alternative 3
Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon
posted by mod, 2:42 AM