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BBC Documentaries

Monday, November 27, 2006

BBC Documentaries

What We Still Do not Know
Sir Martin explores the possibility that life exists on planets beyond our own. He unveils an unsettling scientific debate that has startling consequences for us Earthlings. Do you believe in aliens? If not, a quick glance through these pages might change your mind!

Watch Documentary part 1
Watch Documentary part 2
Watch Documentary part 3

Horizon - Secrets of the Star Disc
This is the extraordinary story of how a small metal disc is rewriting the epic saga of how civilization first came to Europe, 3600 years ago.
When grave robbers ransacked a Bronze Age tomb in Germany, they had no idea that they had unearthed the find of a lifetime. But they knew that it was worth selling. It was a small bronze disc of exquisite design. So they contacted the archaeologist Harald Meller, offering to sell it to him for 300,000 pounds.

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BBC Space Odyssey - Voyage to the Planets Episode 1
Imagine crashing through the acid storms of Venus, taking a space walk in the magnificent rings of Saturn, or collecting samples on the disintegrating surface of an unstable comet

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BBC Space Odyssey - Voyage to the Planets Episode 2
Seen through the eyes of five astronauts on a six-year mission to explore the new frontiers of the solar system, it reveals the spectacle and the dangers they face when landing on, and exploring, neighboring worlds

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BBC Walking with Dinosaurs Series

New Blood
When dinosaurs first appeared the world was very different. There were no mammals, no birds and no lizards. But there were some lizard-like reptiles.
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Time of the titans
In the Early Jurassic, dinosaurs started getting larger. Diplodocus was over 30 metres long - but even he wasn't safe from predators.
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A cruel sea
While dinosaurs dominated the land, huge marine reptiles ruled the waters. Ichthyosaurs looked like dolphins but were not the top predators of the Jurassic
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Giants of the Skies
The largest animals ever to fly were pterosaurs. But during their reign, birds as we know them were also beginning to appear.
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Spirits of the Ice Forest
There's considerable evidence that dinosaurs once lived at polar latitudes. How did they survive the cold?
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BBC Stephen Hawking's Universe
All my life, I have been fascinated by the big questions that face us, and have tried to find scientific answers to them. If, like me, you have looked at the stars, and tried to make sense of what you see, you too have started to wonder what makes the universe exist. The questions are clear, and deceptively simple. But the answers have always seemed well beyond our reach. Until now.

Watch Episode 1
Watch Episode 2
Watch Episode 3
Watch Episode 4
Watch Episode 5
Watch Episode 6

BBC Caveman Series
It's 3.5 million years ago and in East Africa a remarkable species of ape roams the land. Australopithecus afarensis has taken the first tentative steps towards humanity by standing and walking on two legs.
Just a few million years previously, Africa was covered, almost edge to edge, with dense rain forest. Our ancestors almost certainly used all four limbs to move and live and hunt in their treetop homes. But massive geological turmoil changed their destiny.

1. First Ancestors
2. Blood Brothers
3. Savage Family
4. The Survivors
posted by mod, 1:36 AM